Wednesday 5 September 2012

What Does All This Mean?

Digital Citizenship

Image from
In the ever changing nature of today's world, being a digital citizen is required to keep up to date with the speed in which technology advances.

A digital citizen is much alike a citizen of society, they will access and share information, create a digital footprint, and interact with other digital citizens through the use of technology.
Our world revolves around technology, and your children need the best possible chance to excel in such a fast paced environment.

Cyber Safety

Cyber safety relates to many different facets of technological safety, which can cover things such as
  • Knowledge of who and what may present risks online.
  • The understanding that once uploaded, digital posts are permanent.
  • The knowledge that other digital citizens are able to view content that you create, and the ethical awareness required to create acceptable posts.
Cyber safety is not limited to online usages only, and includes the usage of mobile phones, cameras and other personal devices.

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