Wednesday 5 September 2012

What Can I Do To Help?
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As a parent/guardian, the direction you take with your child's cyber safety is up to you, however there are many excellent resources to help you decide upon the best decisions for your child's safety.

Your children will gain their own knowledge and understanding of how to safely navigate through cyberspace, but parental support is always going to help their progress.
 1.  STOP: Before using the Internet, take time to understand the risks and learn how to spot potential problems. 

2.  THINK: Take a moment to make certain the path ahead is clear. Watch for warning signs and consider how your actions online could impact your safety as well as that of others

3.  CONNECT: Enjoy the Internet with greater confidence, knowing you've taken the right steps to safeguard yourself, your family and your computer.
These three safety tips taken from
 Links to Helpful Websites! A blog/forum for you to gather information about the risks and rewards of internet usage, which provides areas to discuss potential issues with other parents and educators. A simple guide for helping your children safely navigate through digital issues, with detailed descriptions for you to learn the underlying research. Information on your possible usage of control software to protect your children, showing both the positives and the negatives of its use.

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